Kurv Studios 3D Print and Illustration for 2D Artists: Volume I 英文光碟正式版 (DVD版)
Kurv Studios 3D Print and Illustration for 2D Artists: Volume I 英文光碟正式版 (DVD版)
3D Print and Illustration for 2D Artists: Volume I
Most video professionals approach LightWave and other 3D programs without
a background or understanding of print. Yet eventually, all 3D artists are
asked to create artwork for print. Most print artists find high-end 3D
programs perplexing, but want to use 3D tools for specific tasks only.
Print artists need an introduction to a high-end 3D program that will help
them quickly get what they need out of it. 3D artists need an understanding
of how print works as well as an understanding of what to do to make their
3D images appropriate and even ideal for print.
Print for LightWave Artists will help Graphic artists learn how to get into
and out of LightWave 3D quickly with the images that they want to use in
their every day graphics programs. 3D artists will learn all about how
print works, as well as how to create an image for print that will impress
print clients with a product that will save them hours of time in graphics
programs. This DVD includes a section walking through the most commonly
needed 3d image for 2d graphic designers - 3d type. The graphic design
buyer will be able to quickly get into and out of LightWave 3d with the
results and the image that they need.